
Moving to a new school is always a huge step in a child’s as well as parent’s life. BIPS believes that students are precious gems and each day at school is a new learning experience. It is our aspiration that each and every child should have a memorable childhood free from the stress of any kind and schooling should be a thrilling experience instead of a nightmare. We believe that education is what we retain after we have forgotten all that we learnt in school. A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, sail a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, programme a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, and die gallantly.

So education at Bhagwati International does not revolve round books, classrooms and exams only instead it goes far beyond that, and encompasses vivid visions of a utopia where a child develops with a multi-faceted personality. Today I stand here, both looking back and looking forward. We will look back at what has gone by. If there were bad patches, I hope they can be seen as merely part of life’s tapestry, so that good times, the fun, the friendship and achievements can be enjoyed. We look forward to giving your children the best we can.

Our basic beliefs about education that guide our educators while interacting with the learners and make our school unique are.

We at Bhagwati International Public School believe every child has potential to learn so our teaching methodology caters for students of all flairs and social milieu. We also believe that learning styles vary student to student so a variety of teaching styles are adopted by the educators while dealing with a group of students.

We believe children learn best in a supportive, caring environment and have school values that revolve around respect for individuality.

As educators we believe that learning is a life-long commitment. As professionals, we are always seeking improvement in the ways we teach in order to achieve better outcomes for our students. So teachers undergo many training programmes round the year.

We believe in learning as a community and offer opportunities for parents to contribute to school programmes through connect to community activities.

Above all, we believe we need to prepare students for life in the 21st century and strive to ensure each child will succeed in each and every challenge life poses for him/her.

Yours sincerely
Dr. Chirag B. Patel