• In connection of the payment of the fee, parents are requested to note the following:
  • Fee is to be deposited at a pre-designated bank through cash or A/c Payee cheque drawn on any local bank favouring “North Gujarat Education Society” on Quarterly basis.
  • No outstation cheques are acceptable. In case of a dishonored cheque, due to any reason, a fine of Rs.100/- will be charged.
  • In case the fee is not deposited within the mentioned deadline, a late fee of Rs. 25/- per week is added till the end of the month concerned after which the name of the child shall be struck off the School Register.
  • Fee paid shall not be refundable under any circumstance.
  • For the convenience of the parents the school collects the school fee on quarterly basis. The parents are requested to make the payment on time.

The following are the dates for Fee Submission:

Class Fee
I to VIII 16,530
IX to X 27,560
XI & XII (General ) 27,560
XI & XII (Science ) 33,070